Soft Entrepreneurship Masterclass

Soft Entrepreneurship Masterclass


What is Soft Entrepreneurship?

The ability to grow and develop your business through divine alignment as a result of supreme clarity, hyper-focused efforts and delegation that results in increased revenue, reclaimed time and easeful living free of stress.

Overwhelm, loneliness and burnout. These are the main challenges entrepreneurs and founders of color are up against. Feeling the pressure of obtaining success, not having a community of like-minded supportive people and working so hard to try to make it is not a sustainable approach to building a business.

Soft Entrepreneurship is a concept I am developing to help business owners move with clarity, support, systems and a mindset that promotes ease and reframes productivity. It's centering and bringing back the joy into what we do by acknowledging our humanness and moving skillfully as we build.

In this workshop you'll learn how to align yourself with what you want versus struggling and hustling to try to attain it. 

Here's what we'll cover:

The Effects of Stress on the Body
Key Problems for Entrepreneurs and Founders of Color
How to Create Spaciousness + Reclaim Your Time
Getting Support: Delegation and Hiring
Systems and Automation
Pareto Principle and Streamlining Efforts
Reflective Prompts and 2023 Goal Setting

Bonus: 2023 Calendar Planning Template + 2023 Moodboard + Brand Clarity

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