Juneteenth: An Ode to Resilience

When we join you in the realm of ancestors, the next generation will have all our strength, our stories, our triumph, our wisdom and our wealth. And so it is. Happy Juneteenth.

This Juneteenth I come bearing several gifts. In short, some of my poetry, Juneteenth playlist, affirmations and PLAE tips themed around rest and restoration! Let's get to it. My first gift to you are my words. I hope you feel them and connect with the soulful and rich history of beauty, strength, power and resilience that's in our blood.



You traveled underground to make us free.
You made a feast out of famine.
You danced and sang our pain away.
Your blood, sweat and tears made the soil rich.
You stood up when you sat down.
You became our martyrs and our heroes.
You beat your case against all odds.
You spoke your truth without apology.
You said loud that you were black and proud.
You wrote words with the prose of liberation.
You changed the course of history.
You paved a road that cost you your life.
And you will not be forgotten.

We are the living visions you had at night looking up at the drinking gourd, now you are our North Star. Send us your prayers and your hymns to comfort us on our journey.

Live in our joy and smile our smiles as if they were your own, for you live in each of us. You are the air we breathe, the blood we bleed and the fighting spirit that never gives up or gives in.

Your life’s work will not be in vain.

Because when we join you in the realm of ancestors, the next generation will have all our strength, our stories, our triumph, our wisdom and our wealth.

And so it is. Happy Juneteenth.

It is my birthright to rest in power and to rise in power
Tracee Stanley


Here are some practical tips using our PLAE principles that encourage your rest and restoration. Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint!

⇉ PAUSE – Can't say it enough! We're all experiencing a lot right now and many of you with businesses and brands are working overtime. Please, please, please, take temporary stops throughout the day. Sit down and do nothing, go outside, take a nap or take a bath. Take rest for the ancestors who never had a chance to.

⇉ LISTEN – Spotify has put together a BANGIN ass playlist to celebrate Juneteenth. If you have the app, access the Juneteenth playlist here. Or just listen to a very unique live James Brown playlist on YouTube.

⇉ ACTIVATE Activate in celebration this weekend! Last night I cooked a birthday dinner for two of my homegirls and tomorrow I'm having a sleepover with another. I plan to recharge by spending time laughing, cooking, drinking wine, face masking and twerking in my living room. Reach out to some friends and get together, we need it!

⇉ EMPOWER – Empower yourself by being in community. There are some amazing Juneteenth things going on virtually and locally. Tap in and take this time to celebrate for the culture!

I celebrate my existence.
I celebrate my culture.
I celebrate my blackness.
I celebrate my strength.
I celebrate my beauty.
I celebrate my people.

I love y'all. Before I forget, I'm relinking this amazing Black History Resource I sent y'all in February, knowledge is power and I'm making it a point to continue educating myself on my black history — the one they didn't teach us. Stay black y'all! And if you're not black, stay loving and fighting for black people!

Hotep y'all!

I am resilient.
I am powerful beyond measure.
I am black and proud.
I am beautiful.
I am that all I wish to be.
I am that, I am.