Power: Strengthening Our Spiritual Resilience

Change is the thing a lot of people fear but the one and only thing that is constant in life. When we can embrace the change of tides and find contentment in being a witness to both the beauty and the bleak, we empower ourselves and strengthen our spiritual resilience.

We are living in interesting times and our power more than ever is on being present in the moment we are in. To acknowledge and name our blessings — the things we may have overlooked in the busyness of life. The things that are most important, the reconnection to the importance human relationships, however they come.

⇉ Listen to this meditation to help ground you in the present moment.



The divine plans (answers) that can come when we get still and trust become the blueprint for our movement. We've all heard a million things we should be doing in this time and I think the most important one of all is getting to know ourselves again.

Getting back to center, taking time to be with ourselves, who we are, what we love, what brings us joy and what has been living inside of us that secretly wants to be seen. If there has ever been a time to turn inwards, this is it. 

The work now is about tapping into ourselves. Yoga right? Union. To connect with self. Be curious about what you can learn about yourself, allow what you've accomplished to integrate and give yourself space and time to think, feel and explore your beautiful, magnificent self.

Everything in the universe is within you, ask all from yourself.
– Rumi


My mom once gave me a birthday card that sits in my hallway of a Native American proverb, "You already posses everything necessary to become great." A daily reminder that we already have the answers, the power, and the wisdom. All we have to do is ask, and let the answers flow as we release resistance, surrender and acceptance. Allow the light of your spirit to shine through and illuminate you.

Here are some practical tips using our PLAE principles that can help you come back to center.

⇉ PAUSE Take rest, for real. Last week I took 3 much needed days off after my laptop charger died and it gave me tremendous perspective. It allowed me to see how much I needed to rest, how much I have done and allowed me to see clearly what matters most to me and where I'm headed. Please take time to rest, for real y'all.

⇉ LISTEN – Check in with yourself and notice what you feel. Journal, talk with others or connect with a therapist to help you understand your emotions. Nicole Carter is an incredible therapist and helped me tremendously last week.

⇉ ACTIVATE – After allowing the inner voice to speak, notice what things are most important to you. What do you value most? Then take a small step that reflects this belief. If your wellness matters most, take time to meditate, move, read, write. If you value connection most, video call your favorite people and cook together, eat together, laugh together.

⇉ EMPOWER – Engage in things and people that make you feel empowered. I watched Self-Made Madam CJ Walker on Netflix and felt so inspired! I realize I love movies about women's empowerment (watched Waiting to Exhale last night!) and that they lift my spirits. Find what that is for you.

I pause to rest.
I listen to receive.
I activate my love.
I empower by example.


As usual, I'm always thinking of new or improved ways to support your journey. Our online studio is always open to members and we are ready to hold space for you and for our community as a collective. I appreciate you and your presence in this community, it makes a world of difference to me, to all of us. Believe that!

Hotep (Peace) Y'all!