Balance: Being and Doing

In January, the focus was on supporting you in the big changes that often come with a new year and I'm ready to move us forward in February. That is, finding harmony between being and doing.


What's good y'all?! Wow, we've made it to February. A favorite for me since it's my birthday and yes, I am an Aquarius on Aquarius for my zodiac lovers. I closed out January with an amazing work and wellness trip to San Diego with Nicole Carter, my dear friend and Afro Yoga Podcast co-host, and Nicolette Lovell, a talented photographer in Sacramento, CA. We worked together to bring a vision to life that is incredibly meaningful for me and will elevate our community beautifully. Some amazing stuff is in the works and I can't wait to share the magic we created. It's coming soon!

The essence of this trip fell right in line with our focus on work and wellness this month. In January, the focus was on supporting you in the big changes that often come with a new year and I'm ready to move us forward in February. That is, finding harmony between being and doing.



I was taking a bath in the indoor hot tub of our airbnb. Nicole sat on the bed reading a book and Nicolette was scrolling through pictures from the day. I began to talk about organizing the next day's photo shoot and in speaking about the importance of what I wanted to capture, a deeper vision started to surface. I read them a poem I recently wrote about the importance of women of color being present in different spaces. How our culture adds so much richness to the places we touch just by virtue of being there.

As we talked more, Nicole said to me that because we were relaxed and at ease that inSPIRITation was able to flow in. This opening is what sparked a new and elevated vision that opened my eyes to what I had the ability to create.

This state of beingness doesn't only happen when we're on vacation or on retreat. Although the chances of it are heightened in these spaces. It's also in the moments when we're in pure rest, the perfect yoga class or in the quiet hours of the morning before anyone knows were awake. It's the walks down the street without our phones, a dip in the ocean after a spontaneous roadtrip, a serendipitous encounter with an old friend. We must make being as important as doing, where we can be in a state of receptiveness to receive guidance and instructions from the Most High.

Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
– Dolly Parton


These divine plans then become the blueprint for our movement. The ideas that drop in and launch us into the world, the inspiration to write the email, make the phone call or land on an instagram account that changes our path. For instance, at our Gather + Flow workshop, a woman had "randomly" landed on our IG page the day before and drove out from San Jose to attend the next day!

Being becomes an efficient conduit to doing. It's the space when were in alignment with higher self and can bring it's wisdom down to earth. Hear me out.

Practically speaking, this means we're clearing mental clutter to allow creativity and work to flow more freely. Imagine a clogged artery with blood trying to flow through it. The entire body pays the price and sometimes a fatal heart attack is the result. Likened to a dream that quickly gets overwhelming and paralyzes our desire to attain it. When the arteries are clean things can flow smoothly and evenly, the body receives it's blood and returns it effortlessly to the heart. The body is in perfect flow, operating as it should.

When we are "clogged" up with thoughts, opinions, feelings, fears, doubts, etc, we are blocking the passageways for inspiration and ideas to flow through. We MUST do the work of mental, emotional and spiritual cleansing in order to keep the passages clear so we can be in that perfect flow. This is where a return to being becomes so useful.



My friend Niva Flor and I always joke that balance is actually bullshit, and that harmonizing may be better than chasing after balance. It seems we often only attain it momentarily and feel thrown right back off track, going in search of it yet again.

When we're in harmony, there is a flow and an ease. An allowing and accepting if you will. It's the inhale and the exhale working together even if one is shorter or longer than the other. When we can be, we get inspired to do. When we do, we find the desire to be. And so these two elements are like yin and yang, opposite yet complementary energies that harmonize beautifully.

Here are some practical tips using our PLAE principles that can help you balance work and wellness, being and doing.

Take temporary pause and gift yourself a much needed break. You can take a short rest with eyes closed, an hour away from a challenging project, or go a full day without any social media.

⇉ LISTEN – Check in throughout the day by asking yourself simple questions like, "How are you feeling?" "What would you like to eat?" "Do you need a break?" "Is there someone who can help you with this?" You can also do this in meditation.

⇉ ACTIVATE – Plan a week ahead so you can prioritize your work and activate efficiently. Batching tasks or scheduling emails are good uses of energy that free you up in the long run and reduce stress.

⇉ EMPOWER – Do things that empower you by investing in yourself. Hire a business coach, read books in your field, join a mastermind group, attend a conference or do some research online.


Here are some things I've been up to lately and resources that I think you'll find useful.

The Afro Yoga Podcast
Our mental health therapist Nicole Carter and I officially tag teamed to bring you this beautiful podcast. It's recorded weekly during our Instagram Live talks on Wednesdays. It's an honest, down to earth, fun and relatable podcast for women seeking sisterhood and transformation. Listen on Apple or Spotify.

Mindful Monday Messages 
Many of you know I now have a phone number for Afro Yoga! This is a direct line to me where I send you updates on our yoga events, guided meditations, wellness tips and much more. Text me at 415-813-2387 so we can connect!

Vibrate Higher Daily
Still reading this amazing book, if you haven't picked it up yet I'm not sure what you're waiting on. Lalah Delia's book is insightful, powerful and mind shifting. Incredibly nurturing and supportive of a journey towards elevated living.

Light Color Energy Healing | $150 (Special Pricing)
I mentioned this in our last email. My teacher, Annette, has let me know she is offering special pricing for any Afro Yogis. This is normally a $200 session. This healing session provides the opportunity to release emotional residues  and provides insight to past experiences, all with the use of a unique light color healing energy technique.

I hope this time has served you well.

Namaste y'all, 