Vision: Manifesting A Lifestyle

Now is the time to think about what kind of lifestyle you want to live. Maybe you want more time with your family, time off to travel, flexibility in your work hours or just to start building a business doing what you love.

The wild thing about 2020 is that it has revealed and shown us so much. I think we can probably all say we've learned a lot, been through some shit, stretched in ways we never imagined and forced to grow outside our comfort zone. Hindsight being 2020, it's a good time to make space for reflection and use what we've learned to cast a new vision.


Let me tell you a true story about vision casting and manifestation.

I remember back in like 2013 my mom bought me an astrological chart reading as a gift. In that time I remember speaking to the lady and she was telling me that all my life I had been trying to make myself fit into these different institutions and jobs instead of looking for a job that fit me. Kinda like trying to make a square fit into a circle. If you've been around awhile you've probably heard me tell stories about how many times I've been fired and quit jobs, so this really clicked for me.

I remember having such an aha moment where I was like, damn, that makes so much sense. She started to suggest to me different industries that would match up well with my personality (one of which was graphic design, a business that has quietly run parallel to Afro Yoga the last 2 years). 

Ultimately, my takeaway was that in order to be happy in the work I do, I needed to first take stock of my personality, strengths and innate skills — then start thinking about what kind of work aligns with who I already am.

Taking this a step further and something I definitely embodied with the direction of my work this year, is to then think about what kind of lifestyle you want to live. Maybe you want more time with your family, time off to travel (as shit returns to normalcy) flexibility in your work hours or just to start building a business doing what you love.

The goal is to have your efforts align with who you are and what you want. 

Y'all know I love giving out a good journal prompt!
Pull out a journal and a cup of tea when you get some time and answer these questions. Most importantly, be honest with yourself.

  1. What do I really want?

  2. What experiences would I like to have?

  3. What do I feel is missing from my life?

  4. What or who is it time to let go of?

  5. What would a day in my ideal lifestyle look and feel like? Who would be there with me?


Here are some resources that might be helpful for you to gain some clarity and start visualizing the life you want to create.

1. Write your goals down in detail with pen and paper

2. Take 5 minutes daily to visualize the life you want

3. Give thanks and express gratitude for all you already have

P.S. Shit won't happen by itself so be prepared to put in the work to get what you want.

I'll add that you don't just get to write shit down and meditate a few minutes everyday and this amazing life suddenly appears. No ma'am, no sir! You have to put in the time, energy, oftentimes sacrifice AND you need to be strategic about your approach.

I'm going into my 4th year building Afro Yoga and finally feel like all the seeds I've sown are in full bloom — and I STILL put in hella work. I wear so many hats in my business and none of my success is accidental — I planned it and I worked hard to get where I am.

All of the struggles, the nights sleeping in my office, the showers I took at 24 hour fitness, the shame, paralysis and depression that had me at rock bottom was all worth it. Without seeing myself rise from the ashes, stronger, wiser and ever-evolving, I wouldn't know the woman I am today could exist.

Let your pain and struggle become your power and wisdom. I love y'all.