Cultivating Joy

Your joy is necessary. And while it might sound counterintuitive to talk about joy in these times, I think it's precisely what we need more of. That's why it's radical.


Personally, I've been reflecting on the things that naturally bring me joy — like how much I love being in the sun, around water and in warm weather. I love tropical plants, fresh fruits, exploring new places and being around people that make me laugh, who love and appreciate me for who I am. 

We all source our joy from different  things — what I have found to be clutch lately is to lean daily into the things that bring me natural joy.

What do you mean by natural joy? I mean, the things that bring an instant smile to your face and light you up inside. It's the joy you don't have to think about, it just shows up when you see, hear, touch, taste or feel something. It's a vibration that immediately lifts your spirit every single time.

While not all the things that bring us this joy are readily accessible (thinking long distance relationships, a place you love, your favorite restaurant meal, etc) there are some things we can cultivate on our own, with what we have and what's around us.



  1. Imagine: take a moment to sit quietly and imagine yourself in your happy place, find a seat and take in anything you can remember, even if it's just a feeling.

  2. Eat: prepare colorful foods (eat with your stomach and your eyes)

  3. Watch: play ocean sounds, fireplace, or other visuals on YouTube for ambience

  4. Play: play dress up in your closet (yes, even if you're not going anywhere)

  5. Laugh: call an uplifting friend and have some laughs

  6. Sun + Air: get in the sun for a few minutes at least once a day, if it's not sunny where you are, go outside for a walk and breathe some fresh air. if it's accessible, spend time near a body of water (river, lake, pond, ocean, lake)

  7. Move: let some mood-boosting endorphins run through the body by walking, running, working out, doing yoga, dancing or any movement of choice. (Our online studio has plenty of this!)

  8. Explore: go somewhere in your city you've never been or a place you only go when family/friends are in town — we can often neglect what's in our own backyard, go explore and see you're city with fresh eyes.

I can't say all of this without saying that this is NOT about bypassing emotions of pain, sadness, hurt, grief, etc. We're all going through a lot, and it's important to identify, acknowledge it and give ourselves ample space to process. This is simply about setting up support systems of joy for your health and wellbeing — all of which you deserve! These and other practices can serve as counterbalance to heavy emotion and as we soften through cultivating joy, the grip loosens and we can eventually let it go.

I also encourage that you express how you feel with someone who has the capacity for it (you can ask beforehand) and find a healthy release for what many of us are feeling right now. If therapy is within your means, I encourage it. It's been incredibly healing and therapeutic for me to process my thoughts and emotions, you just have to find the right person for you.


Try repeating these in the morning to start your day.

Affirmations for joy:

I create daily rituals out of the things that bring me joy. (shoutout Lalah Delia)

I give myself space to explore my happiness.

I take time in nature to ground and rejuvenate my spirit.

I eat foods that nourish my body and mind.

I move my body to release tension and make space for joy in my life.

I connect with people I love and trust to laugh, heal and grow.

I am worthy and deserving of unconditional joy.

And so it is.